Important Update: May 1, 2020
Hello everyone.
We at the Mighty Men wanted to reach out during this period of self- and government-imposed quarantine. During this time, we are praying for each other to stay well if possible, and if not to recover successfully. It is probably the most interesting challenge for the medical community since the Spanish Flu (about 100 years ago
There are many blessings in this situation, but some of you may certainly be facing a variety of challenges as well. If you are one of these and would like to discuss it or receive prayer, please reach out to your team lead - who will be Emailing this message to you OR send a message via the "Contact Us” page
As we want to protect all of you and we are very dependent upon our partners to have our activities (crossroads, Saint Vincent de Paul, City Gospel Mission, etc.), we will update our calendar with all activities cancelled until June. At that time, the first possible event will be Grey Wolf which is planned to start June 12th. As we learn about any further changes to these activities, we will share that as soon as possible. This web site will be the main source of information on events.
One of the newer experiences that Mighty Men participated in recently is a Mastermind Group. By partnering up with UNTAPPED LLC, we were able to get a certified Maxwell Coach to lead a group of 8-10 men on the topic of Intentional Living. This is the title of John C Maxwell's #1 NY Times Best Selling book and guides people on how to live a life of significance and make a difference in the world. The program design was to meet as a group for 1 hour a week over a 4-week period. In between meetings, the group was provided learning materials and challenged to be more intentional.
The experience has been extremely valuable and some have even mentioned, "We need to share this with more people”. The camaraderie of the group turned out to be one of the major benefits of the Mastermind session..
We therefore have put together a few additional sessions that will kick off in May. Please feel free to call Hammer (859) 802-5815 OR Jack Scheidt (513) 401-3861, if you would like to be a participant. Our promise is that you will not be disappointed and will surely come away with actions leading to a better life for you, your family and those around you.
We are looking forward to the time when we can get back together. In the meantime, please encourage each other by reaching out to those you know. Visiting virtually is a great way to brighten someone's day and to help yourself as well. It's easy to feel isolated and alone right now. Most people will be happy if you call, text, or Email them. Please do this with your friends and family if you are so inclined.
Yours in Christ,
Mighty Men Leadership Team
HAMMER Jack Scheidt
Dave Maxwell Scott Clark
Mark Exeler Tripp Hardin
Dave Rettig